The weather where you live may define your activities, but you know how to make it work! If you own a pool, you know how to heat every drop out of pool season! While the time to pool nice and warm in the year, more pool lovers have great options to keep that water warm to extend the season for as long as possible!
Since weather is unpredictable, if you plan to keep your pool open during the colder months, you must keep your water heated above freezing temperatures. There are several ways to keep your home heated.
Gas Heaters
This method is probably the best for several reasons, but the expense and the efficiency are the two most disadvantages. Gas heaters provide heat for your swimming pool by burning propane or natural gas. Regardless of the air temperature, their dependence on gas as the source makes their reliability a consistency upon which you can depend. Another plus is that they heat quickly so your pool is ready when you are going to swim.
The disadvantage of gas heaters is cost-related. They require a gas line and a fuel source from a public service or a backyard propane tank.
Electric Resistance Heaters
Here’s an option that runs on electricity; no need to get a gas line or a tank installed. But it is used with electricity, it means much more money. You will find that electric heaters are more expensive on installation over gas heaters. These are not designed to be energy efficient like pool heat pumps, so you will realize higher heating costs when you are using an electric resistance heater.
Pool Heat Pumps
The best option if your outdoor temperatures remain below freezing. Because their fuel source is the air, your electric bill won’t be spinning out of control. This is your best choice for energy efficiency.
This breakdown of heating way is to provide you with the options from which to choose when you want to keep your swimming pool in the whole year! If your winters don’t tend toward freezing temps, a pool heat pump may make the most sense.
Whatever your climate, consult with a pool specialist in your area or with your original builder.
pool nice and warm
As pool financing solution experts, we keep our pools open as long as possible, and so do our clients! By finding the right solution for your pool and climate.
There is one thing will make your pool comfortable in the whole winter, our zealux heat pumps, they are developed with INVERBOOST technology. Energy efficient and very quiet during the work time. No need to worry about the high electricity bills and enjoy the comfortable temperature in 4 seasons, just click our website: www.zealux.com, you will find the one you like.